About Us

Michele Long, owner of Moore than Scrubs has been in the healthcare industry for over 20 years. Started out as a CNA, LPN and now RN for the past 15 years. I love what I do and the path God has guided me through thus far. Being in the healthcare field I do understand the importance of a good quality and comfortable scrub. One that offers flexibility all while looking good therefore, I went on a search and located a supplier that offered what I was looking for. I purchased the scrubs and built the website to make it easy for consumers to shop and purchase these high quality scrubs. Very thankful for #cscrubswithlove!
Inspired by my former last name "Moore," Moore than Scrubs was established 3/2022 to let my customers know we do offer the "important" factors that is needed in scrubs and that is Moore quality, comfort and beauty. I have been married to Bishop Matthew for 19 years and we are both Pastors of the Gospel and we thrive to provide excellence to those we serve. And by the grace of God, we stand on that!
OUR MISSION: To provide the most comfortable, flexible and beautiful scrubs to our Essential Healthcare workers and anyone who loves quality with the ease of shopping from the comfort of your home.
WHY CHOOSE US: Because we offer MOORE! A proud retailer of Med Couture brand, our scrubs offer more comfort, more beauty, more flexibility at a quality that is a cut above the rest. We have many colors and sizes to choose from. We also offer scrubs for the expecting mothers. We have payroll deductions and discounts all while providing exceptional customer service through our company website. We are sure to meet the needs of our customers. So come check us out, you won't be disappointed. 
    We at "Moore than Scrubs" would like to thank you for the opportunity to service you.
    Michele Long, CEO